Debora Previti

Author's details

Name: Debora Previti
Date registered: February 17, 2014

Latest posts

  1. Breakfast in Thai presents,en,”The Oak WISP,en,Waldorf Inspired School Phuket,en,looks forward”,en:”The Oak WISP (Waldorf Inspired School Phuket) looks forward” — March 30, 2024
  2. Breakfastinthai presents,en,The Oak Waldorf Inspired School Phuket,en: The Oak Waldorf Inspired School Phuket — March 16, 2024
  3. Breakfastinthai presenta: “La costruzione di una scuola” — March 12, 2024
  4. Permanent residency — April 19, 2016
  5. Lavorare in Thailandia parte I° — February 29, 2016

Most commented posts

  1. Intervista in spiaggia — 3 comments
  2. Permanent residency — 2 comments
  3. Lavorare in Thailandia parte I° — 2 comments
  4. Destino e pesca — 2 comments
  5. The Code of the Soul — 1 comment

Author's posts listings

Sea 30

Breakfast in Thai presents,en,”The Oak WISP,en,Waldorf Inspired School Phuket,en,looks forward”,en:”The Oak WISP (Waldorf Inspired School Phuket) looks forward”


The Oak WISP is an educational centre dedicated to supporting the holistic development,en,well-being and education of children in our community in Kamala,en,We aim to be as inclusive as possible,en,supporting children who come from a range of different cultural,en,religious and socio-economic backgrounds,en,children who have little or no English,en,as well as some who have emotional,en,developmental or other challenges or learning difficulties. ,en,Our school is located in a beautiful green jungle with a river flowing through the grounds,en,this healthy,en,nourishing and inspiring environment plays a big part in our approach to childhood care and education,en,which is inspired by Waldorf education and the Forest School movement. ,en, well-being and education of children in our community in Kamala, Phuket. We aim to be as inclusive as possible, supporting children who come from a range of different cultural, religious and socio-economic backgrounds; children who have little or no English; as well,en …

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Sea 16

Breakfastinthai presents,en,The Oak Waldorf Inspired School Phuket,en: The Oak Waldorf Inspired School Phuket


The Oak WISP provides holistic education to children in the unique setting of the tropical jungle,en,Being amidst wild nature enlivens the senses,en,engages the imaginative world of a child,en,and allows one to really “breathe”,en,The natural,en,indeed divine,en,order and beauty that exist in nature can ground us and help us to feel,en,It goes without saying that it comes to my mind "the construction of a love" which as he sings immediately after Fossati "breaks the veins of the hands",it,because to build a school it takes a lot of love,it,but a constant that pulsates,it,Sometimes of,it,T23,ar,order and beauty that exist in nature can ground us and help us to feel connected to the world,en,to the earth. ,en,At The Oak,en. Being amidst wild nature enlivens the senses, engages the imaginative world of a child, and allows one to really “breathe”. The natural (indeed divine) order and beauty that exist in nature can ground us and help us to feel …

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Sea 12

Breakfastinthai presenta: “La costruzione di una scuola”


Va da sé che mi viene alla mente “la costruzione di un amore” che come canta subito dopo Fossati “spezza le vene delle mani”. Queste parole sono nel mio cervello da decenni, perché per costruire una scuola ci vuole tanto amore, che non è un pensiero fisso, ma una costante che pulsa, a volte di …

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Apr 19

Permanent residency

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Today I have withdrawn my visa, the third consecutive long stay. Even with this visa? Yup, because after the marriage and its recognition in Italy, is the second argument able to crash the My nervous system, the sympathetic system to be exact, undisputed leader in flight and combat situations. In …

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Feb 29

Lavorare in Thailandia parte I°

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Basta con i sentimentalismi. Ho parlato sin troppo di quanto l’incontro con Alee, my husband, abbia stravolto la mia esistenza. Belle parole, phatos alle stelle, ma poi: “una come te che ha studiato una vita, che cosa fa in Thai?” chiede chi segue il mio blog. Alcuni vorrebbero cambiare vita, cercare lavoro all’estero, e i …

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Jan 22

Intervista in spiaggia


Pochi minuti e le scelte fondamentali che hanno cambiato la tua esistenza ti passano davanti. Pochi muniti e riaffiorano stati d’animo che avevi dimenticato. E capire che indietro non si torna. Mai. Quando ci sei in mezzo non ci pensi, e io ho cambiato continente come quando prendevo l’autobus per andare al liceo. Qualche tempo …

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Nov 20

Destino e pesca


Si dice che la mitologia racconti vicende che sono comuni a tutto il genere umano e che aiuti a comprenderne i significati. “Destino” è un termine col quale faccio i conti quotidianamente. Platone, che non è nato ieri, parla del destino nel mito di Er, che pone alla fine della Repubblica, opera scritta circa duemilaquattrocento …

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Oct 27

Cara Thailandia


Odi et amo. Ti odio, e te lo voglio dire in faccia. Si dice che soltanto dall’odio può nascere un grande amore, ma si dice anche che per andare d’accordo bisogna parlare, quando tu, non sai nemmeno che cosa significa “parlare”. Ho sposato un uomo delle tue parti e mia figlia è thailandese quanto te. …

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Oct 16

Because I live in Thai, parte III°


At the end: what am I doing in Thailand? My high school classmate and best man - Paul Zelati - says that if I followed his advice to leave for Cuba, I would not have made to impregnate a Thai, reason, In his opinion, I live in Phuket. Questa gag alla “Amici miei” …

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Oct 09

Women and oxen from your: they told me often!


The first time I left for a vacation in Thailand my closest friends (those high school, those that wickedness is in their DNA and which also after 20 years you insist on sharing the essential events of life) They were clear: “smetti di fumarti delle canne e stai coi …

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