

Aug 04

The Myth of Er


In "The Soul's Code", Hillman is inspired by Plato's myth of Er that arises at the end of The Republic, ancient work, written about two thousand years ago. The myth speaks of the soul, term should not be understood in a religious sense. Indeed, it concerns an inner aspect of the human, which acts in accordance with rules and needs very different from those of the body, but as the body needs nourishment and care. The soul is interested, you will, passions that manifests according to the logic that are not decipherable at first sight. In addition to, Hillman points out a very interesting aspect, or that the concept of the soul is present in almost every culture on earth and is considered the core of the personality (precisely because it is considered the core of the personality, is it any wonder why we in the West we have eliminated from the texts of psychology and psychiatry!).

Greek mythology has an important role in our culture. Such as science (in particular the population genetics, the biological, paleontology) teach us that the culture took its first steps in Africa – yes we are all Africans, and we mettercelo in head! – and the theory of evolution Darwin reveals to us that we were monkeys – This already seems easier to accept! – the same way as the culture and tradition have undergone profound changes. Of always, l’uomo migra, habitat changes, strives to survive in nature and where it settles builds, transforms, reclamation not only in a practical sense but also cultural and social. Therefore, simplifying, Today we can be said to be an Italian people, Franco Tedesco, but once we were a nation Latin, before greek, more back in time and so on Assyrian, until the man was a monkey and lived in a group on the African continent. In other words, concerns not only the evolution of our planet and the man but also the culture and tradition. Greek mythology belongs to our past cultural-we were Greeks! - And, as far as we know today, the idea of ​​the soul goes back some two thousand years ago, thanks to the greek philosopher Plato, that, in his works, harks back to the Greek myths. According to the "genetics of cultures", the concept of the soul belongs to us by right, it's just that we stopped occuparcene. Indeed: ever think the soul of our son? In addition to physical care - pap, poop, nanna - consider the care of the soul? Namely, as parents, we are willing to take an interest in the inner world of our children? Or become an aspect to be considered only when difficulties arise?

The myth of Er explains that before birth, the soul of each of us chooses a pattern of life that we will live on earth. The soul chooses the body, the place, parents, situations of life suited to the soul itself and corresponding to its needs. In addition to, the soul gets a companion - daemon - that will guide us. Once you come into the world, forget our choice. And 'The daimon which reminds us of the contents of our design to life, the Daimon is the bearer of our destiny, or vocation (terms considered synonymous). Plato tells this myth that we do not forget our soul and its choices.

Because our destiny is fulfilled, the Daimon gets to work from an early age and you can not block his way. The problems and difficulties of life are part of the pattern of life that we have chosen, are necessary and contribute to realize. The call may be postponed, denied, lost sight of, does not matter: eventually it will come out, because the daemon does not abandon us and has the tough task of helping the soul to fulfill its vocation. Since ancient times, philosophers and poets have sought a name for fate or vocation. For the Latins was the genius, for Christians, the guardian angel, for the spirit of the Eskimos, for the Egyptians or the Ka Ba, for the Greeks the daimon.


The Soul's Code is subject to the fate, the vocation, the character: the things that, together, give substance to what Hilman called "acorn theory". The acorn is the seed that will become a huge oak, Hillman and becomes a metaphor for fundamental existence: the image of an entire destiny is all crammed into an acorn. This theory explains that each of us carries a uniqueness that asks to be lived and the voice calling is loud and insistent voices as repressive environment (or family, school, the group of friends).

Therefore, what will ever find so interesting about a mother who every day has two hundred million thing to do in The Soul's Code? A great deal of, because it will start to reflect on the soul of your child, on its uniqueness and to think that it came into the world alone, bensì with a custode angelo, o daimon.

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